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Friday, July 24, 2015

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich | Byron Talbott

Today's recipe is a chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich and I'm gonna show you how to make it completely from scratch.

So to kick this recipe off, first of all I am goning to grab a medium-size mixing bowl add some room temperature butter to it,  fall by some brown sugar and then give that a good mix until the sugar absorbs into the better.

Once that is done you are need to crack one whole egg into the mix followed by some vanilla extract a pinch of salt and then give that a good mix until everything is absorbed into each other. Once that's done you can add some all-purpose flour and continue mixing until that is absorbed as well and then last but not least gonna finish soft dark chocolate chips.

When the cookie dough has come together, we will grab some partial paper and then essentially spread the dough from edge to edge as thinly and as evenly as you can. Ofcourse  you can adjust the thickness however you want but in my opinion the thinner the better.

Once you are done spreading the dough out just top it off a little bit more partial paper just to smooth it out a little bit more and then through it into a 375 degree oven for approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

While waiting for that to bake in the oven, make your filling in a medium mixing bowl in which we can add some heavy cream, some whole milk some, weight related sugar, a little bit of vanilla extract and a pinch of salt.

Give this a good whisk until the sugar is dissolved and everything is thoroughly incorporated.  Once that is done, you are gonna need  your ice cream machine or a KitchenAid ice cream attachment and then pour your ice cream.

The consistency that you're looking for is almost a frozen whipped cream and it should take between 20 and 30. As your ice cream is just about finish up, pull out the giant chocolate chip cookie out of the oven and let rest just to cool down slightly.

Once your ice cream is done, you are gonna pull it out of the ice cream machine scrape off any excess ice cream that's stuck to the whipping  attachment and then you just gonna gently fold in some dark chocolate chips inside ice cream. Once that's done you through this in the freezer just to set up for about an hour

While you are waiting for the ice cream set up, you pull your giant chocolate chip cookie off your baking tray along with the Silpada or partial paper and you're just gonna cut it straight down horizontally.  Put it back on the baking tray with the paper and then you can put this in the freezer to cool down for about 15 minutes.

When time is up, pull everything out the  ice cream and the chocolate chip cookie and scoop a few scoops of that delicious chocolate chip ice cream right on top of the baked cookie spread it as evenly as you can you can obviously adjust the thickness however thick or thin you want. Top it off with the other side of the chocolate chip cookie and then you throw this back in the freezer to set up for an additional hour.

Once everything is chilled assembled and flavored properly, take the giant shock chip cookies ice cream sandwich out of the fridge and cut it to your liking you can cut circles out of this cut into triangles really however you want. I'm just going to trim up the edges, I just a squared off of it and cut this into little tiny square I scream sandwiches.

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